It's only 30 days...

Ready to start a new savings challenge? We've got you! Why not start with our 30 Envelope Challenge or any of our fun and unique savings challenges?

They are available on our Etsy store as instant downloads and you can print them and get started today. Or if you would like a custom savings plan created for you, please send us a message.

income babes savings challenge
income babes savings challenge
woman using MacBook
woman using MacBook

”I went from having zero savings in my bank account and overspending to now being more aware of my spending habits, budgeting and saving almost one thousand euros in 30 days.”

Banker, Wife, Mom of 6 and Income Babe


As a former banker of nine years and having to leave my job to take care of my six kids while my husband works, I know very well the challenge when it comes to saving money while on a low income. Our savings challenges are low income budget friendly, but if you don't see an amount that suits your budget, send us a message and we can create one for you.

white book page on white textile
white book page on white textile